Willunga Podiatry

Willunga Podiatry, 41 High St, Willunga SA, Australia

About Willunga Podiatry

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    Founder and practitioner Airlie Waller is a qualified podiatrist with more than 14 years’ experience in community health, aged care and private practice.

    Airlie is also a qualified fitness professional which helps when advising patients on exercise prescription and sports injury management.

    She has a reputation for gentleness and careful assessment and is well-loved by her clients, many of whom have been with her since she started practising.

    Airlie also offers home visits in the Fleurieu region.
    Your best life, for everyone

    You don’t have to wait until your sixties to start looking after your feet. In fact for many of us, proper care earlier in life can prevent many foot problems later in life.

    Airlie works with people of all ages in the local community, including sportspeople and children.

    Willunga Podiatry

    Our Address

    Willunga Podiatry, 41 High St, Willunga SA, Australia

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